Your home is a stage set for potential buyers, from the curb to the closets. One of the most important features of the stage is the color you use. Potential buyers will take one look and could be immediately impressed…or repelled…by your selections.
Yes, your home’s paint is that important to the selling process. Color, it turns out, directly affects our brains and causes innate, emotional responses, whether we recognize it or not.
The Science of Color
It’s a common emotional response to be wary when dealing with bright colors. In nature, bold colors are a warning to stay away. Brightly colored plants and animals are usually dangerous in some form. The bolder the colors, the more toxic the animal or plant probably is.
Color has long been known to influence our minds. Ancient Egyptians used solarium rooms constructed with colored glass for healing purposes. Aristotle would give a name to color theory, but it wasn’t until 1704 that Sir Isaac Newton expanded the idea behind the science of color. Today, we recognize this as color psychology.
Some colors are relaxing, such as blues and greens. Others, like reds and yellows, are exhausting to the eye and can evoke negative emotions. Still, others may cause strong negative reactions for personal reasons, such as black representing death and mourning.
Go Bold or Go Home?
No matter your personal feelings about specific colors, bold choices are not effective for selling a home. Deep purples can make your home’s interior seem small and cramped. A bold red may trigger internal emotional alarms and warnings. Don’t believe it? Think of your daily commute; what color means “stop?”
It’s true that bright, extravagant exterior colors can make your home stand out…but more in a “sore thumb” kind of way. No one wants to be a conformist, but trying to sell your home means you’ll need to cast some of your personal preferences aside and cater to the general consensus.
How Do Paint Colors Influence Buyers? Neutral for the Win
Because colors can evoke an array of feelings, it’s always better to play it safe and stick with neutral colors. Tans, beiges, light greys, white, and off-white are all clean color schemes. They play well with almost any interior or exterior design and add a spacious feel to the home. They also help to keep the place bright, even on the more dreary days.
These colors will be inviting to all prospective buyers, allowing them to easily visualize living in the space without overwhelming their senses. If a buyer happens to be a fan of more colorful decor, the neutral colors won’t necessarily deter them from buying. They’ll be able to paint their space to their heart’s content when they own the place. Or maybe they prefer to just add colorful furniture. Either way, they’ll see the lighter colors as a blank canvas rather than a deterrent.
It’s Not All Boring
You can get creative with accents such as bright and bold color choices for shutters, exterior trim, and doors.
You can accent your home’s interior as well, using bright, boldly colored pillows, drapes, rugs, and other decor.
No matter what color you choose, staging your home means all painted surfaces get a nice, fresh coat.
For more helpful tips on selling your home, download any of my free resources or contact me today.